“…as AIG Igweh calls for calm, orders for deployment of police forensic experts to analyze scene.”
Following the incident of a suspected bomb explosion at the Tsangagyar Sani Uthman Islamiyya, located in Kuchibuyi Village, Bwari Area of the FCT, at about 11:00 AM on Monday 6th of January, 2025, the Assistant Inspector General of Police in Charge of Zone 7 Headquarters, Abuja, AIG Benneth C. Igweh, accompanied by the Commissioner of Police FCT Command, CP Olatunji Disu, on Tuesday 7th of January, 2025, visited the scene of the explosion to assess the extent of the havoc.
According to a press release on Tuesday, 7th January 2025, signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, Zone 7 Headquarters, Abuja, SP M.B Abdulkadir, the AIG has however ordered a thorough investigation into the incident and adequate deployment of personnel in the Community.
The Assistant Inspector General of Police in Charge of Zone 7, Abuja, AIG Benneth C. Igweh, urged members of the public to remain calm, be vigilant, and report any suspicious activities to the police.
He further calls on the community vigilantes to collaborate with the police to avoid further occurrence of such incidents.