It is a private sector-led initiative and is the first of its kind in Africa and Nigeria, and positioned to be the largest commercial one-stop hub to talk trade.
The Africa Trade Consortium (ATC )will help in line with ACFTA solve the buddle and bottleneck in borders and daily trade movement in the continent, from import to export. Over the years we as a continent have suffered in these areas and still haven’t gotten a better platform to tackle these long-lasting issues.
Our ultimate goal is to unlock the vast potential of agricultural value chains through partnerships and synergy with like-minded enterprises, organizations, and Institutions throughout the world; to mutually create wealth, and generate local employment and contribute significantly to the economic growth of Africa/Nigeria and its GDP.
Africa Trade Consortium a Unique Platform for Promoting Investments and Trade Relations within the continent
and other parts of the world over time have been demonstrating significant endeavors to pave the way for enhancing cooperation based on mutual benefits.
In this context, inclusive growth and sustainable development goals, as central. constituents of the Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, provide a suitable framework and guidance for a better direction the continent and business partner needs to further explore. While establishing direct trade links between Africa and the rest of the world through this platform, it is also vital for achieving the potential in these sectors. Logistics should come into play to maintain functioning and effective trade.
In this regard, challenges stemming from transportation costs and inadequacy of infrastructure need particular attention. Africa therefore clearly need to further bolster their connectivity.
Better connectivity within the continent will translate into increased investments and increased value-chain integration that will facilitate the spread of technology.
The importance of agriculture in food and nutrition security, poverty reduction and overall economic growth is also critical, while transforming Africa’s agriculture into a modern and dynamic sector faces major challenges.
These include limited investments, technologies, knowledge and infrastructure to link input and output
markets across the continent.
Rapid economic and population growth in Africa, particularly in the continent’s growing cities, are posing challenges for the energy sector.
In the meantime, falling costs of key renewable technologies are opening up new avenues for innovation and growth.
The Forum will provide an open space for eminent representatives of Public and Private sector actors within and outside the continent to discuss and—build on their respective experiences—jointly identify a set of recommendations for scaling up private sector engagement and innovative catalytic Public-Private Partnerships for
broad-based, sustainable, inclusive growth and development in the continent.
The Forum is mainly aimed at promoting Africa investments through analyzing trade and economic relations between Africa and the rest of the world and evaluating the rest of the world approach to investment in Africa; facilitating interaction between nation and business communities, initiating dialogue between investors.
It is also aimed at highlighting the Expectations engendered by Agenda 2063 as a program for social, economic and political transformation that will make Africa a prosperous, united and economically independent Continent.
The objectives of Africa Trade Consortium are:
Creating an enabling environment, awareness where Africa business circles about the investment and business opportunities in Africa.
Raising awareness on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and its reflections for public and private sector;
Identifying possible future directions for Nigeria /Africa partnership within the trade, investments, technology and logistics nexus;
Channeling private sector of Nigeria and the rest of the continent towards commercial, industrial and technological partnerships;
Increasing interaction among the business communities of Nigeria/ Africa and the rest of the world.
Strengthening dialogue platform with African Regional Economies
The Forum will attract more than one thousand participants within and outside
Key Participants:
Vice President of Federal Republic of Nigeria.
President World Trade Organization
Africa Development Bank
Term President of the African Union
Ministers of African Countries (Trade, Economy, Finance)
Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC)
AUC Commissioners
AfCFTA Secretary General
International Organizations and Regional Economic Communities in Africa
NGOs, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Business Councils,
Associations, Professional Organizations and Entrepreneurs from within the
continent, women and Young entrepreneurs
Africa Development Bank (AfDB), Afreximbank.
Regional and International Banks & Financial Institutions
African Diplomatic Missions in Nigeria
Mass Media from form Africa.
Why Attend:
The Forum will be an excellent opportunity to update the current relations among the business people of participating countries and set new targets for the further development of our economic, commercial and business partnerships.
Expand your business and discover trade & business opportunities
Introduce your company and your projects, products & services
Meet prospective partners and generate international exposure for your brand
Establish relationships with our major sponsors and partners, investors,
suppliers & contractors
Connect with new buyers & distributors within the continent
Engage with international media.
Access to major projects and financial instruments.
Learn about market insights, latest trade policies & opportunities.
Access to live networking with potential partners and relevant institute makers.
Africa Trade Consortium. This is the first of it kind in the continent, and will be organized yearly to promote Trade, business relationship and typically offers sponsorship opportunities for the Forum, Gala, Panel Sessions and more. Each year, the sponsorship terms may change.
By sponsoring ATC your organization will be able to:
Showcase your products to the event attendees,
Promote your services to potential clients,
Influence decision makers.
Identify prospective clients among conference attendees and organizations
they represent.
Establish collaborations with other companies and individuals, and
Learn prioritized sectors and projects, and the current trends in the industries.
Please: email to request sponsorship opportunities to help you to make an informed decision on sponsoring ATC.