The Federal Government has launched the digitized payment for Conditional Cash Transfer, for Vulnerable Groups in Gombe State and also inaugurated Independent Monitors of the NSIPs in the state.
At the event in Gombe, the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Hajiya Sadiya Umar Farouq expressed optimism that the grant would help to increase their income, especially at a time the world is faced with economic challenges.
“It is our belief that the cash grant will increase the income and productive assets of target beneficiaries, especially now that economic challenges at global and local levels affect the socio-economic situation of our people.

It is our hope that the beneficiaries of this programme will make good use of the grant to improve productive activities that would generate more income and improve their living standard she said.
She stated the role of the Independent Monitors is to ensure that the Primary Objectives of the NSIPs are achieved.”
The Gombe State Governor, Muhammed Yayha thanked the Federal Government for the gesture and noted it wil improve the economy of the state.
The Governor, represented by the deputy Governor Dr. Manassah Jatau, noted that it would also improve the living standard of the poor and vulnerable in the state.
A total number of 3,541 beneficiaries from 11 local government councils in Gombe state will receive a one-off Cash Grant of N20,000.