To foster understanding of the local environmental situation in Nigeria, Plan B Earth has named a Nigerian climate change activist and journalist, Mr. Lubem Gena as its volunteer contact person.
Mr. Lubem who hails from Benue state in north-central Nigeria is a resource person who has worked in several areas of human endeavors including field journalism spanning about 13 years of corporate communication, political strategy, community development, human rights enhancement, and international trade promotion between Nigeria and China.
Aside from publishing the News Headquarter online newspaper- and Coordinating the affairs of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) climate change activists movement in Abuja, he is currently a Legislative and Media Assistant to a federal lawmaker in Nigeria.
In the volunteer agreement signed by founder/President of Plan B Earth, Mr. Tim Crossland, the registered UK Charity organization operating in the climate change space said Lubem will undertake voluntary work for Plan B for the initial period from the signing of the Agreement to 17 August 2022.
“The scope of the arrangement is to be defined as follows: Reciprocal awareness-raising, i.e you help to raise awareness of Plan B’s work in Nigeria, and Plan B will do the same concerning your work / XR Abuja’s work in the UK; Collaboration on the project, “Lawyers for 1.5˚C”; to work closely with other stakeholders including CBOs, FBOs, NGOs, CSOs, government Ministries, department and agencies operating within the space for and on behalf of Plan B Earth and to attend conferences, workshops, meetings, seminars for and on behalf of the organization both within and outside Nigeria”, the document sighted by News Headquarter reveals.
Plan B has been established to support strategic legal action against climate change by ensuring those responsible for greenhouse gas emissions bear the costs of loss and damage. Plan B also strives to increase the incentives for investment in clean technologies, harnessing market forces towards a better future for all.
“There are other not-for-profit organizations of environmental lawyers supporting action to address climate change. Often such organizations have a regional focus and bring cases in response to particular projects or activities. We will aim to work with them and ensure our activities are complementary and mutually supportive.
“Plan B is unique in focusing on the development of a networked, international legal strategy to meet the long-term climate goal; and in developing and publishing legal tools and resources to support citizens, NGOs, and others in bringing their actions around the globe”, information on its website explains.