By Isaiah Ekpenyong
Mrs. Helen Okoro Eni until her death was a widow who concentrated all her efforts in taking care of her children after the demise of her husband in early 1990s. A native of Umuchiakuma Ihechiowa in Arochukwu L.G.A of Abia State and a trader who traded on retailed rice, beans, stock fish and other cooking materials at the popular Uyanga Market in Akamkpa L.G.A of Cross River State. Mrs Helen Okoro had used her business to train her children in school and Carter for their other needs until the burden became unbearable having been saddled with the responsibility of being both father and mother to her children, and she felt going home to her native place would help to reduce the burden.
Not knowing that her decision to go back to her native place Umuchiakuma Ihechiowa in Abia State will lead to her untimely death and make her children become orphans, Mrs. Helen Okoro had in the early 2000, took her family back home to begin a new phase of life. This decision to go back home has remained one decision the orphaned children of Madam Okoro Eni would have reversed if they had known tomorrow. There is a saying that North, South, East and West, home is the best. To children of Madam Okoro Eni, home has remained the worst through the activities of Bar. TONY NDU their kinsman, who had not only made sure they pass through hell, but has also taken the only source of joy, their mother, from them.
Madam Helen Okoro Eni after relocating back home had met several pressure and advances from Bar. TONY NDU her kinsman, but as a strong Christian woman, she rebuffed such advances. Pained by such effrontery of a widow who should be begging around with no rights, Bar. Tony Ndu demanded that Madam Helen Okoro should sell the only landed property left behind by her late husband to him and they woman again refused. These led to several threats from Bar. Tony Ndu, with promises that she will either sell the landed property alive or not live to see him take the property. Threats that has been made real.
These threats from Bar. Tony Ndu was taken as mere jokes until around 2017 when Madam Helen Okoro who had gone to visit her first daughter in Delta State was returning home from the visit, driven home by his son in law. On arriving Umuchiakuma Ihechiowa, Madam Helen Okoro’s Son In law’s car was blocked half way to Madam Okoro’ s house by a gang of boys led by Bar. Tony Ndu. The simple question of why are you blocking me, resulted to Madam Helen Okoro’ s inlaw who is from Cross River State receiving the beating of his life and a teeth removed from his mouth. Madam Helen Okoro who could not stay to watch her in-law being beaten without any reason, made attempts to intervened and was also beaten to coma, rushed to the hospital and she died on the 30th of December, 2017. Man gross inhumanity to man.
Case was reported at the local police station and later transferred to State Criminal Investigation Department Umuahia where Bar. Tony Ndu and his accomplices were arrested and were about to be charged to court for murder, and Bar. Tony Ndu who had boasted of his connections hijacked the matter to Force Headquarters Abuja where the Case had lingered from 2017 till 2020 without the matter being taken to court. At a point, Bar. Tony Ndu had bribed his way through and forced the investigators at Abuja to rather charged the petitioner, Madam Okoro’s first daughter for giving false information all in an effort to destroy and kill the fighting spirit of the victim’ s family.
The persistence of the family of Madam Okoro Eni and other well meaning Nigerians, through the intervention of the office of the Attorney General of the Federation who ordered that the Casefile be immediately returned to Department of Public Prosecution Abia State for prosecution, the Casefile has been returned to the DPP Abia State. WHAT IS WORRISOME TODAY IS THAT THE POLICE IS SAYING THAT BAR. TONY NDU IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND AGAIN.
Justice delayed is justice denied. Bring Bar. Tony Ndu and his gang to come and face the wrath of the law
The Spirit of Madam Helen Okoro Eni cries for justice