
Abe’s Verdict On The Status Of The 27 Former Rivers Lawmakers, A Testament Of His Ranking As A Perverse Political Hireling ~ Eze

…Describes the Gale of Resignation in Fubara’s Cabinet as a Necessary Purgation for a Neoclassical Renaissance in the Current Administration

…Counsels Abe to Leave Amaechi Out of His Clownish Outbursts

Erstwhile National Publicity Secretary of the defunct New People’s Democratic Party (nPDP) and chieftain of the All Progressives Congress, Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze says former Rivers South-East Senator, Magnus Abe, offered a grossly distorted asseveration to the very plain and unequivocal letters of the Constitution on the status of the 27 pro-Wike former Lawmakers whose defection sealed their voluntary exit from the Rivers State House of Assembly to which they were elected early 2023.

In a recent publication credited to Vanguard, Sen. Abe was quoted as saying that when he served as Senator, he, alongside eleven others defected from the political platform on whose sponsorship they were elected to the red Chambers, to another political organization without any consequence whatsoever.

Conveying his reaction through a statement made available to the media, Chief Eze said Abe sounded scarcely lettered and untaught on how little resemblance the circumstance that led to the defection of the former state Lawmakers bore to the heavy political crisis that necessitated their own exit from the PDP in 2014 which he cited as an instance.

The APC Chief said prior to the 2015 elections, there was a multi-layer crisis within the ranks of the PDP which was central to public discourse in the global stage, leading to the crack that birthed the New People’s Democratic Party (nPDP) where he held sway as Spokesman and which later merged with the All Progressives Congress to wrestle power from the PDP.

“During the time Abe and others defected, PDP was embroiled in crisis and as a result, during the National Congress of party at Eagle Square, six Governor’s including former Vice President and critical stakeholders of PDP like Senator Saraki and others left the Congress to form a parallel Congress and that action gave birth to the New Peoples Democratic Party where some of us were elected as the national officers. That parallel convention produced Abubakar Baraje as National Chairy while His Excellency Olagunsoye Oyinlola as National Secretary with Chief Sam Sam Jaja as National Vice chairman from the party. The split in PDP then was so pronounced that the then PDP National Chairman, Bamanga Turkur was gasping for air.”

Eze said it smacks of deliberate absurdity for Sen. Abe, a beneficiary of the 2014 political masterstroke that sent PDP out of office to stoop so low to the extent of trading his sense of judgement for a federal appointment he has not yet seen by trying to repair a situation that is bad beyond repair.

He said the situation of the former Rivers Lawmakers is distinct from the instance cited by Abe in an attempt to merit a place in the good book of the FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike, stressing that the former SDP gubernatorial candidate, as always, is merely feigning ignorance and his dishonest pitching has only succeeded in putting a question mark to his status as a Lawyer, especially in the light of the plain wordings of Section 109(1)g of the Nigerian Constitution.

Eze maintained that going by letters of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, former Speaker Amaewhule and his misguided former Lawmakers have lost their seats and no amount of propaganda by Abe or his group will revalidate that invalid status.

On the gale of resignation that rocked the Gov. Siminialayi Fubara’s cabinet a few days back, Eze said the exit of the moles was long overdue and it was good for them that they left voluntarily instead of being petered out. He added that their departure was a necessary purging to fast-track the injection of fresh blood into the system in order to prepare the government for the serious task ahead.

While forewarning Sen. Abe to leave Amaechi out of his renewed contract for smear campaign, Eze, again, appealed with Chief Nyesom Wike to consider the former Rivers Southeast Senator for recommendation to President Tinubu for an appointment to redeem him from political relegation which status he has suffered for ages.

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