Etsu Nupe Mourns Emir Of Kagara, Says Demise Of Monarch Painful

By Mohammed Baba Busu

Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, the Etsu Nupe and Chairman, Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers,  has described the death of Emir of Kagara as a great loss to his family, Kagara emirate or Niger  and Nigeria in general.

Etsu Nupe, who spoke to newsmen on Wednesday in Minna, on the demise of the emir, said that the death of the first class emir was very painful and had created a wide vacuum which would be too difficult to fill.

Alhaji Abubakar said he has received with “profound sadness,” news of the passing away of the Emir of Kagara,  Alhaji Salihu Tanko.

Etsu Nupe said ‘’on behalf of the Council of Traditional Ruler, I wish to extend our heartfelt commiseration to Governor Abubakar Sani-Bello, the Kagara Emirate Council, the people of Kagara and Niger State on the passage of the highly respected monarch who ascended to the throne of his forefathers.

He became a second class chief in 1982 and subsequently elevated to the status of a first-class emir in 1991.

According to Etsu Nupe, the late emir showed love to people who live in his domain, irrespective of their tribe and religious inclination.

He also described the deceased as a “godly man, who has the interest of his subjects at heart above any other thing”.

The traditional ruler said he was deeply touched when he received the news of the death of their colleague, the emir of Kagara

“His death is a huge loss not only to Kagara kingdom, but also to Niger State and the nation as a whole.”

Alhaji Abubakar said, “the late monarch lived exemplary life worthy of emulation; his forgiving spirit was exceptional”.

The Royal Father however, urged the deceased’s family to sustain his good legacy, adding that he always put the unity of the country first, irrespective of ethnic, political and religious divides.

Alhaji Abubakar described the death of the emir as “a monumental loss” to the people of the state and the nation at large, “especially now that the country desires pious and trustworthy community leaders that would preach and dwell on things that can promote peace and tranquillity as well as foster the unity of the country”.

He prayed that Allah reward his soul with Al-Jannah Firdausi and for the immediate family, the fortitude to bear the loss.

As the remains of the late Emir was buried on Tuesday in his country home, Kagara, the Etsu Nupe prayed Allah to receive the monarch’s soul and grant him peaceful repose

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